How Content Writing can make you a master of Marketing?

Written by Prateek Mathur

March 24, 2021

Do you have the audacity to make a difference? Not just on a personal level but around you too? If yes then what are you doing here? Have you ever really given this a thought? Not sure how to put this but let’s just say that we are not just some hapless creations of god that have been put on earth to eat, talk, and die. We are here for a purpose. And that purpose is to bring about a difference.

When for the first time you strung your words together and wrote a few sentences, those were your thoughts that you poured out after witnessing or feeling something that motivated you to write, to voice your thought on a paper or the screen of your cell phone or laptop. And that was the first stride towards the development of your voice which in turn made you vocalize your opinion about what you felt was worth bringing people’s attention to. That’s how we all began and that’s how some of the greatest writers started their journey.

After reading this, the first question that would be coming to your mind is why write to make a difference? Because writing can be frightening sometimes but the boldness it requires is not found in everyone. You, reading this right now rethinking about whether to write or let it go, I urge you to just buckle up and write. Because you cannot always speak your mind but you can always write it down. On a personal level, it’s a means to vent out your thoughts. But when we move on to the professional aspect, writing turns to content creation and it can be frustrating because sometimes it feels like the world doesn’t want what you have to offer. You feel like no one cares what you write, so what’s the point?

There’s no potion book providing solutions about how to become a better writer. The more you write, the more aware you’ll be of what people are writing and saying around you.
But you still have bills to pay. You may not be sold on the idea of living ‘off-grid’, so you just need to be practical.
The question that pops up over here is, “how do you turn your passion into a career?”

The first thing that can be done is to know your skills and hone them.
Ask anyone who turned their passion into full-time employment and they will be best suited to explain the importance of skill to progress in your field of work.
With writing, anyone can form a sentence (almost!) but a sentence on its own doesn’t sell. Certain types of writing sell and some do not. You need to be able to write commercially, something that a creative writing course will cover. Identifying what you know about and what you can write well about, is the key to turning those hidden words in your diaries or notebooks into paid employment.

Content writing has become an effective tool, and it’s not going away anytime soon. Content marketing is increasing in value and usefulness thanks to the tweaks and developments made in search algorithms
Freelancing websites
For writers, there are freelancing websites that allow you to register for free and either showcase you to the world or bid on work that companies and businesses want doing. Browsing through the kinds of jobs businesses are asking to be completed, and the money they are willing to spend is a great way of doing your market research.

Portfolio or blog
Like other people in creative industries, you need to think about how you present your work. The one way in which you can show people your writing is to profile your work on a blog.
There are several blogging sites some free and some paid for. The idea is simple: create content, post it regularly and then if someone wants to see an example of your work, provide him or her URL.
Direct to businesses

Businesses across all industries and sectors need written content, from web page content to articles or copy for printed materials.
Sending out emails with links to your website will be a great way of people being able to see who you are and what you do.
Web design agencies also work with a team of writers, offering work on a freelance basis that can sometimes become regular work too. Industry publications
There are various industry publications, all of whom look for content from time to time. If you have skills or experience in a certain field, why not pitch them an idea or an article? Think of it as part of building credibility, which could lead to you commanding a higher price in the future

Content writing is one of the most essential parts of marketing today.
In a lot of ways, content is a versatile marketing medium that can help any business in any industry. It’s affordable, effortlessly created, and dependable for long-term results. But the real value of content marketing is its importance to digital marketing as a whole. Content writing is so important that it’s essential to online marketing today.

Trying to launch a digital plan without content is a lot like trying to drive a car without an engine — it just won’t go anywhere.
While digital marketing is a must-have for any business in today’s economy, good content is equally important for search engine optimization that is, making the rank of the site higher.
Content writing taps into the first two stages of the buying process by raising awareness of solutions and educating consumers about a product they may have never considered before. It provides additional content for social media marketing and contributes to SEO efforts by generating natural inbound links and building up good content on your website that gets found in search engine.
Many customers find out about businesses through digital means, and a digital marketing campaign delivered in tandem with SEO strategy builds credibility, visibility, and a positive reputation.
Due to the shift into business methods from traditional to digital marketing, there has been a significant rise in demand for content writers in the past few years. The content that is to be supposed developed should be carried out by a writer who knows the techniques of attracting and enthralling digital readers.

1. HubSpot: HubSpot offers many content marketing tools and many of them are free to try. These include:

  •  A powerful form builder
  • A Powerful form builder
  • Popup tools
  • Live chat and Chatbots
  • Ans all-in-one WordPress plugin for marketing
  • In addition to free content marketing tools, if you want to build a growth machine, HubSpot has a world-class CMS

2. WordPress: WordPress is the most widely used CMS in the world. As of August 2018, VentureBeat reported that WordPress powers about 30% of the internet in general.

3. Google Docs Google Docs is to content marketing what a kitchen is to chefs: it’s where all of the work gets done before the final presentation.

4. Grammarly: Grammarly has changed the game for many. If you’re not a very detail-oriented person, there is nothing to worry about because Grammarly reduces the error rate by probably 50-80%.  At last to answer the question that may have popped up by now which is, “how to get started with your first blog or commercial article?” Here are a few points which you can jot down that may act as a reference

Develop your writing skill

  • Understand the art of Content Writing
  • Lookup for online courses
  • Use your existing degree to get into Content Writing
  • Lookup for online courses
  • Use your existing degree to get into content writing
  • Network to build experience
  • Find a Mentor
  • Look into internships
  • Don’t hesitate to take entry-level positions

American author E. L. Doctorow once said: Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.

When you start writing you can go off as many ideas at a time. But as you proceed forward with your piece, new ideas make their way, new characters pop in or various new possibilities open up to describe a scenario. And that’s how you turn a piece into a masterpiece.

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