SaaS Marketing Strategy: 7 Killer Ideas to Grow Your Company.

Written by Prateek Mathur

June 23, 2021

SaaS Marketing Strategies:

The SaaS sector will have an annual turnover of $623 billion by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 18%. Isn’t this great!

Results show that around 73% of the organization will employ at least one SaaS application by 2021. Thus, this sector is going to leap in the next few years. The company dealing in SaaS must optimize their strategy to target these clients.

But SaaS marketing is quite complex than any other type of marketing. SaaS marketing is about having long term customers. For instance, a food product might take around six to eighteen months to turn the dial. Thus, you require a solid strategy. This blog guides you about the SaaS marketing strategy.

1) Importance of Content

Good Content is an essential requirement of all brands. Content attracts customers and maintains traffic on your website. The best part about content is that it always remains evergreen as you will find people searching for one thing or the other. Thus, the value of content increases with time. 

Quality content will keep you fetching leads that are opposite to paid advertisement. In PPC, you get information till the time you spend money. For instance, Moz is known for its high-quality content. They publish content daily and their unique Whiteboard videos on Friday. These things help them to generate quality leads.

Along with content development, its distribution is also essential. Until your content distribution, your efforts are of no use.

2) Free Trial for the product

Whenever we buy a car or a new gadget, they allow us to use the product for free. Providing an accessible trails period for your software is very important under the SaaS strategy to drive more leads.

Trails allow the customer to experience the product in real and experience its utility in their life. Many digital marketers and influencers look for these trials and even recommend them if they find the product worthy enough. If people register for a product trial, there are high chances that they will buy your product.

3) Make SEO stronger

We all know SEO plays a crucial role in ranking your website on search engine like Google, Bing etc. The SEO of the whole website is essential. If you have a strong SEO, your website will rank, and they may even fetch your leads, but it is not sure that they will turn into clients.

The only thing SEO will help in driving massive traffic on your website. It will improve your SEO ranking, and that is where the game turns around. This way, your company can save a lot of money on PPC and paid campaigns.

Keep on optimizing your content and reviewing which all keyword work best for you. Increase your Domain Authority by generating quality backlinks. It will help your SaaS company.

4) Optimize your PPC Campaigns

Suppose you are working on your content creation and distribution strategy and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and still, you cannot generate good traffic organically. In that case, you may have to employ a paid method like PPC.

Carry proper research and then select the right keywords. It would help if you preferred those keywords which are available at the lowest cost-per-click. You need to understand that your PPC campaigns should synchronize with SEO and should be able to rank your website through paid campaigns. You can hire a Digital Marketing Company that can improve your PPC campaign. Else, this will not work, and you will keep on shedding money.

5) Use the power of SaaS Review Websites

SaaS review website has become very popular as the number of reviews has been increasing on such sites constantly. Several clients also visit these websites to get software solutions. Thus, make sure you list yourself on these websites and provide the correct information about your website, as this will help you reach potential leads.  

These sites also offer premium plans. You can and check these websites.

6) Leverage the power of referrals

Everyone likes to use good things free of cost. Just on the same line, you can offer a one-month free subscription to your client if they successfully get a specific number of referrals. This way, your software will reach more and more people, and these referrals may even turn into long term clients.

You can also offer a referral program to your long term. You can compensate the referral by extending the subscription duration, offering discount or vouchers etc.

7) Making the Sig-Up process smooth

You must stay in touch with your customer as far as possible, especially those who took a free subscription, as they will turn into long term clients. You need to make the process of sign-up sober and straightforward not to get too lazy to fill out the information.

You can use regular shoot them mails mail about the latest discount, offers and packages you are offering. It might turn them into a client.

“Above mentioned techniques will help you increase your customer base, and keep in mind that you need to optimize your strategy. Marketing ways keep changing trends in daily routines, and thus you need to maximize your plan according to it.”

FindFirms Meetup 2021, India

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